Currently we had a lot of question which maybe the history books don't mention, here we will talk a bout the sport activities of the Incas. It is well known that the physical condition were so much important for the south Americans ancient civilizations because the family and work depends on it. But who of us know what was the lifestyle or which were the habits, however, the sports and the culture were engaged more than anyone could think, there were two activities which are so different but have a similar objective.
One of the most obvious similarities is the function the sport activities had in the society, the first one was a kind of athletic mail, where the Incas travel long distances in order to take to other towns messages of the monarchy; and the second one was a type of wrestling, their objective was based in get a high level in the political structure, and both of them were done so that somebody was the next ruler of the town. The second and the last one similarity was the people who belongs to those rituals, all of the were young Incas because in the moment they get the required age they have to applied to the rules of the gods.
In the other hand we have the differences between the sport rituals inside the Inca society, first of all the mailing the young people made was made in order to supply a necessity of communication, whereas, the wrestling was developed to get a political status which only the force gives to one of the fighters. Nevertheless, the activities also have a difference in the place they were practiced, the mailing were between rivers and valleys and the wrestling was a very concurred activity where all people were attending to a god law.
All in all, the incas had a big conscience of what they had to do and why, that's what makes the really difference with the current age, both of those sport activities were so recognized and very important for the Inca people, although the have an objective, a place and an audience totally different.
Nicolás Santamaría